
Hello, this is my informational blog.
Disclaimer: The Opinions expressed herein are of sole discretion of the poster and the commentors and do not affect the advertisors.

Copyright © 2014 Finn Lucas.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

"A man peers into the darkness of the world and seeks to destroy it, but ends up destroying himself because the darkness was that of his own soul."

"A man peers into the darkness of the world and seeks to destroy it, but ends up destroying himself because the darkness was that of his own soul."  -- Requiem of Mist and Dust 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Self-Deprecating Versus Self-Defecating

Bullshitting about self. Antonym to self-deprecation.
modest about or critical of oneself, especially humorously so.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Draw Back the Veil

What's behind the curtain of reality? The inner workings of reality. This ship's headed to find out.