
Hello, this is my informational blog.
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Copyright © 2014 Finn Lucas.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


I will never give in to their Fear. I will never give up on Hope. They can go down in their Hate of it.
If people are content to let us suffer and to let them Hurt other beings then people are not worth their salt.
I have been on the warpath for a long time. I have not lost my nerve even with all the shit they do. Everywhere.
The fact that they are so desperate. Means they have lost already.
I am just waiting for them to admit it.
They do NOT rule this world, as long as good people are willing to fight for freedom. They do NOT control us. They are NOT.
They could ruin everything for everyone and that ONE thing they CANNOT ruin is humanity's resilience.
They can keep knocking us down and pushing us around and threatening everything.
And still they CANNOT have my Hope.
The world that I believed in, the world I knew, was graceful and beautiful.
All I have been shown since is Contempt and judgement and torment and horrific horrors.
But even if every person on this blue planet lost their nerve and gave in to the horror, I would stand up in between them and say NOT ME.

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