
Hello, this is my informational blog.
Disclaimer: The Opinions expressed herein are of sole discretion of the poster and the commentors and do not affect the advertisors.

Copyright © 2014 Finn Lucas.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Opinions Are A Funny Thing, Violence and Hatred Are Not

If you have an opinion and you feel so strongly about that opinion that you speak vehemently promoting that opinion and you are so proud that you put that opinion out there for all to see and it is a particularly volatile and extreme opinion that it has the potential to lead to violence and suffering of innocent people than you should be willing to fight not just for the right to speak your opinion but for the opinion and viewpoint itself and you should be willing to put it all on the line for that opinion and the ways in which that opinion influences your audience. You should be willing to debate and back up the validity of your powerful opinion as if your life depended on it, because I can assure you, other's lives will.

But apparently I do not know what I am talking about.

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