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Friday, January 29, 2016

Wake Up! For God's Sake

The whole point of worshiping someone is that you believe in them. If you don't believe in someone then frankly you shouldn't be worshiping them. That's just common sense. You've only got so many years on this planet before you either ascend to another realm or reincarnate in another life, so for God's sake, spend your time worshiping someone or something you believe in. If you want to worship some guy of your race with a black beard and who never pisses anyone off, then so be it! Go out get a statue of that guy and pretend he's the king of the Universe. I don't know sometimes! If you want to worship some pink, blond, big-boobed bimbo, then by God! Go out and purchase a famous beauty's photo board, prop it up in your living room and pray to it every evening before you go off and listen to your favorite talk radio show, for God's sake. I can't think of a sane God out there that wants some annoyed Judas worshiping him ready to betray him down a dark alley as soon as the sun goes down! Go, be free! Run free, go, go, fly little one, fly free! That's what the free world is for, freedom of worship, freedom of belief, if that's not what we fight for than I don't know what we fight for.
When everybody is coerced into believing the same thing due to peer pressure or born into it, there's a word for that, it's called a cult. When everybody has the right to choose what they believe in and how they practice their beliefs, we have a word for it, well actually two, it's called "Human Rights".

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