
Hello, this is my informational blog.
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Copyright © 2014 Finn Lucas.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Their Main Propoganda: Refurbished Repurposed People

So their main ideology and this gets a little esoteric is that they are refurbishing and repurposing people and that there is evidence of this all around us. In particular what they are doing to the souls of men, so they say. The idea is that a soul of a man apparently has some kind of karma on him when he leaves this world then he returns in some kind of reincarnation deal but instead of returning to the Earth in the body of a man, he gets refurbished, like an old electronics device he gets new parts so to say. But they haven't perfected the process yet, the kinks have not been worked out, so the man often retains much of his male DNA hidden within his body. Whatever they are doing to these men its not completely perfected the process or whatever. Some men and this gets a little horrific are kind of like cast a spell on them to hide the truth from them. So if this man is told he is not himself then he looks at his body and it hides the truth then society around him lies to him, and some kind of forcefield of ideation keeps him from knowing the truth usually most of his early life. He may wake up, it may take something shocking or it may be gradual. Most wake up into this nightmare world, where they learn usually about this conspiracy to repurpose the male soul and consume it's liver like Prometheus on a daily basis. It is a heavily Godless world and the fight has been a monster uphill battle for these men around the world. The spotlight usually goes on the refurbished women and the struggles and dangers they face daily but the completely demoraled existence these men are being born into is probably the most horrific kind of circumstance with some of the most awful results I can imagine on the planet. There is an active group out there in this world influencing the thought of these men the idea, the propoganda that they are somehow karmically born into this existence that they must have done something to cause there own situation. I have found no evidence at all that this is true and I have been searching for a very long time.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Even Them: "He knows we are here" - Looks like Hitler

Sometimes people can get so full eating liver that their minds get all rusted out from all the liver dosages. I may give you a baloney sandwich to save you from starving, I may even give you a new outfit second chance at life but you are really pushin your luck when you reveal yourself demon and ask for my soul. Sometimes when a demon eats too much liver he gets all kinds of wayward ideas in his head, this is nothing to be concerned about, a demon is what a demon is. The world is what the world is, a stage, and everyone's playing a part. Everyone.
A word about privacy: If you bluff the private word in your intentions to use it in an official capacity, it must include a public disclosure that the private word has been compromised. I'm really not joking either.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

I think that says it all..

To them God is a guy that doesn't exist.
That's why when you pray to him they are so confused.
I think that explains it all.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What You Say You Are Not

When you employ individuals (who are just a symptom of the problem and if these individuals were exposed they would just get more) when you engage or umbrella engage as in under your watch under your purview under your handling you manage or benefit from the results of such activity, when you condone or allow or refuse to stop such activity and receive illegal illicit results from such activity, YOU MAY NOT say that you are not one less you also be called one and be called a liar.
So if you are going to employ or condone such activities and benefit from the results of such activity then yes you are said definition. Be honest for if you do not you will be called out.

spy definition -
a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

Really I Don't Understand