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Copyright © 2014 Finn Lucas.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Even Them: "He knows we are here" - Looks like Hitler

Sometimes people can get so full eating liver that their minds get all rusted out from all the liver dosages. I may give you a baloney sandwich to save you from starving, I may even give you a new outfit second chance at life but you are really pushin your luck when you reveal yourself demon and ask for my soul. Sometimes when a demon eats too much liver he gets all kinds of wayward ideas in his head, this is nothing to be concerned about, a demon is what a demon is. The world is what the world is, a stage, and everyone's playing a part. Everyone.
A word about privacy: If you bluff the private word in your intentions to use it in an official capacity, it must include a public disclosure that the private word has been compromised. I'm really not joking either.

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