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Copyright © 2014 Finn Lucas.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What You Say You Are Not

When you employ individuals (who are just a symptom of the problem and if these individuals were exposed they would just get more) when you engage or umbrella engage as in under your watch under your purview under your handling you manage or benefit from the results of such activity, when you condone or allow or refuse to stop such activity and receive illegal illicit results from such activity, YOU MAY NOT say that you are not one less you also be called one and be called a liar.
So if you are going to employ or condone such activities and benefit from the results of such activity then yes you are said definition. Be honest for if you do not you will be called out.

spy definition -
a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.

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