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Monday, September 12, 2016

"Straight Up" is a Straight Up Lie Folks

Telling you now folks, you can't sleep your way to Heaven. This has got to be the worst pickup line Man ever invented: "Hey Baby, God said go forth and multiply so shack up with me for the next 30 years and I've got a one way ticket to the Pearly Gates." What a fckin' piece of work to use God as his way to crawl down some chick's pants. Really can't believe that in this day and age and with what we know about the Human Genome and Gender Fluidity that Cisgender Males are still using this one as an excuse when they can't get a woman on their own merits. Really, Really? "Straight Up" is Straight Up Garbage and I feel sorry for any woman that could've have taken her own path to God that felt she had to pretend to God, to Herself and to Society that she was in Love with some dude she doesn't even Love just so she could pretend that would exclude her from Judgement in Eternity. Weak. Now if you are really into that or if you have other reasons for a domestic partnership than that's your thing Babe, go right ahead. But believe me (or don't, your choice) God Don't Discriminate. 

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