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Monday, September 12, 2016

The Mandela Effect Explained

So the Mandela Effect basically says: One group over here says this, one group over here says that and both aren't lying because for each group, each group comes from alternate Universes, one from Universe #1 or the Original and the other from Universe #2 or the Parallel and each aren't lying because they each come from separate Universes. So One of these groups is lying but to let them go on lying a higher authority steps in and states "The Mandela Effect" to pardon them temporarily (Until they find God and Judgement Day) for their wrongdoings in Lying and give them time to come up with something that doesn't sound like a bold faced lie. I think this is kind of Genius for the higher authority and I must give them props at the same time totally explaining why they are doing this. I do respect their ingenuity and appreciate their efforts. And so far as it goes, yes life must go on, so fine. But let this be said, the True Liars, at the end of either their days or the End of days will have to face their lies, whether we are talking about a very small lie or a larger Heavier Lie, whether one man lies or a whole world of people lie, they will have to face that and face the True God. They will maybe ten years, maybe fifty years from now, they will have to explain to God why they lied and especially those that use God's name in falsehood. At that point, once a person has no longer any bread, it may be too late to go back and make amends. I am no authority, I do not tell people how to live their lives but this is definitely something to think about before you explain yourself.

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