To the Heavyweights and their immature popularity contests. Only God can weigh the Souls of Man. Only God says in which direction gravity flows and currents drift.
Hello, this is my informational blog.
Disclaimer: The Opinions expressed herein are of sole discretion of the poster and the commentors and do not affect the advertisors.
Copyright © 2014 Finn Lucas.
Disclaimer: The Opinions expressed herein are of sole discretion of the poster and the commentors and do not affect the advertisors.
Copyright © 2014 Finn Lucas.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Thomas The Doubter
Thomas the Doubter is a perfect verse to describe the demonic activity which plagues True Believers:
Jesus is Real, Jesus is True and Believe it or Not, Jesus Don't Discriminate.
Monday, September 12, 2016
The Mandela Effect Explained
So the Mandela Effect basically says: One group over here says this, one group over here says that and both aren't lying because for each group, each group comes from alternate Universes, one from Universe #1 or the Original and the other from Universe #2 or the Parallel and each aren't lying because they each come from separate Universes. So One of these groups is lying but to let them go on lying a higher authority steps in and states "The Mandela Effect" to pardon them temporarily (Until they find God and Judgement Day) for their wrongdoings in Lying and give them time to come up with something that doesn't sound like a bold faced lie. I think this is kind of Genius for the higher authority and I must give them props at the same time totally explaining why they are doing this. I do respect their ingenuity and appreciate their efforts. And so far as it goes, yes life must go on, so fine. But let this be said, the True Liars, at the end of either their days or the End of days will have to face their lies, whether we are talking about a very small lie or a larger Heavier Lie, whether one man lies or a whole world of people lie, they will have to face that and face the True God. They will maybe ten years, maybe fifty years from now, they will have to explain to God why they lied and especially those that use God's name in falsehood. At that point, once a person has no longer any bread, it may be too late to go back and make amends. I am no authority, I do not tell people how to live their lives but this is definitely something to think about before you explain yourself.
"Straight Up" is a Straight Up Lie Folks
Telling you now folks, you can't sleep your way to Heaven. This has got to be the worst pickup line Man ever invented: "Hey Baby, God said go forth and multiply so shack up with me for the next 30 years and I've got a one way ticket to the Pearly Gates." What a fckin' piece of work to use God as his way to crawl down some chick's pants. Really can't believe that in this day and age and with what we know about the Human Genome and Gender Fluidity that Cisgender Males are still using this one as an excuse when they can't get a woman on their own merits. Really, Really? "Straight Up" is Straight Up Garbage and I feel sorry for any woman that could've have taken her own path to God that felt she had to pretend to God, to Herself and to Society that she was in Love with some dude she doesn't even Love just so she could pretend that would exclude her from Judgement in Eternity. Weak. Now if you are really into that or if you have other reasons for a domestic partnership than that's your thing Babe, go right ahead. But believe me (or don't, your choice) God Don't Discriminate.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Saturday, August 27, 2016
The Truth about The Truth
The Truth about the Truth is that when an ignorant or malicious person gets a hold of a Truth they can't or won't fathom, they will just use it as a tool of war and persecution. This is the curse of the Knowledge of Good, Evil, God and Earth's True Place in the meaning of Life.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Sound of Silent Wars
Ask and you shall receive. What are They not telling us?
Sound of Silent Wars for Not-So Quiet Spies.
Sound of Silent Wars for Not-So Quiet Spies.
Monkey Eyes
I'm sorry Evolution but are we livin' on the same Globe?
And what was all that Science about anyways??
DECONSTRUCTING AND UNVEILING ALL THE SECRETS IN THE UNIVERSE should be a primary goal in any conspiracy theorist handbook.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Saturday, July 16, 2016
One Earth, Two Suns
Historical Theoretical Storylines
One Earth, Two Suns = Three
The Trinity
Present Day:
What is the Moon but the remnants of the Other Sun?
In a world that knew no darkness, where there was two sources of energy,
one to cover half the day, the second to cover the other half.. but what happened?
What did happen to the Other Sun?
Now is he only self-luminous but has not the energy left to light the night like our known Sun lights the day?
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
News Story: Breaking
"Man does handstand back flip to prove the existence of God!" -- Local Reporter
"He joked just before he was gonna show off for the camera" -- One Eyewitness
"We can't tell as of yet but the guy seemed a little shaken that his stunt went viral" -- First Responder
"He joked just before he was gonna show off for the camera" -- One Eyewitness
"We can't tell as of yet but the guy seemed a little shaken that his stunt went viral" -- First Responder
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Saturday, June 11, 2016
"We must Protect the American Culture from Misappropriation"
We must protect the American Culture from Misappropriation of their ideology and theoretical devices. All around us information is flying through our minds at an alarming rate. We can no longer define what it means to be well informed because there is simply so much information out there it is often more than the average mind can even properly process. The American Culture dominates the West, and it is no spark of the imagination to say the American people producing content have some of the largest and widespread reach of any type of propoganda on Earth. Everyone is watching the Americans as they lead the way down this revolution of information and enter us all into the new age of collective consciousness. This gives a small minority great power over a large majority. To say the least they are wielding a Greatsword of Sway over an already information saturated ocean of opinions. As more and more people express themself the world grows like Alice in Wonderland into a smorgasbord of temptations the can lead us down many varying degrees of beliefs. Christianity has loosened its grip with the powerhouse of the secular media being a much bigger player now with devices such as social media. The core value system that once stood as a testament to order amidst the chaos is now getting stood up for a much greater system of control: Controlled Entertainment Versus Mass Public Opinion which has never been more potent than it is today. These two loggerheads colliding at such a high rate that we've no idea what the future holds for the more traditional forms of entertainment and propoganda. At any rate, as it exists today we must protect the American Culture from those that would seek to use it's ideologies against the greater good while we give the original content producers time to grow out of their old ways and enter into this new era hoping to embrace the 21st century with open arms and a steadfast resolution not to repeat the mistakes of the past but to move forward with the proposal and hopes of the next generation of information distribution.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
Their Main Propoganda: Refurbished Repurposed People
So their main ideology and this gets a little esoteric is that they are refurbishing and repurposing people and that there is evidence of this all around us. In particular what they are doing to the souls of men, so they say. The idea is that a soul of a man apparently has some kind of karma on him when he leaves this world then he returns in some kind of reincarnation deal but instead of returning to the Earth in the body of a man, he gets refurbished, like an old electronics device he gets new parts so to say. But they haven't perfected the process yet, the kinks have not been worked out, so the man often retains much of his male DNA hidden within his body. Whatever they are doing to these men its not completely perfected the process or whatever. Some men and this gets a little horrific are kind of like cast a spell on them to hide the truth from them. So if this man is told he is not himself then he looks at his body and it hides the truth then society around him lies to him, and some kind of forcefield of ideation keeps him from knowing the truth usually most of his early life. He may wake up, it may take something shocking or it may be gradual. Most wake up into this nightmare world, where they learn usually about this conspiracy to repurpose the male soul and consume it's liver like Prometheus on a daily basis. It is a heavily Godless world and the fight has been a monster uphill battle for these men around the world. The spotlight usually goes on the refurbished women and the struggles and dangers they face daily but the completely demoraled existence these men are being born into is probably the most horrific kind of circumstance with some of the most awful results I can imagine on the planet. There is an active group out there in this world influencing the thought of these men the idea, the propoganda that they are somehow karmically born into this existence that they must have done something to cause there own situation. I have found no evidence at all that this is true and I have been searching for a very long time.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Friday, May 13, 2016
Even Them: "He knows we are here" - Looks like Hitler
Sometimes people can get so full eating liver that their minds get all rusted out from all the liver dosages. I may give you a baloney sandwich to save you from starving, I may even give you a new outfit second chance at life but you are really pushin your luck when you reveal yourself demon and ask for my soul. Sometimes when a demon eats too much liver he gets all kinds of wayward ideas in his head, this is nothing to be concerned about, a demon is what a demon is. The world is what the world is, a stage, and everyone's playing a part. Everyone.
A word about privacy: If you bluff the private word in your intentions to use it in an official capacity, it must include a public disclosure that the private word has been compromised. I'm really not joking either.
A word about privacy: If you bluff the private word in your intentions to use it in an official capacity, it must include a public disclosure that the private word has been compromised. I'm really not joking either.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
I think that says it all..
To them God is a guy that doesn't exist.
That's why when you pray to him they are so confused.
I think that explains it all.
That's why when you pray to him they are so confused.
I think that explains it all.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
What You Say You Are Not
When you employ individuals (who are just a symptom of the problem and if these individuals were exposed they would just get more) when you engage or umbrella engage as in under your watch under your purview under your handling you manage or benefit from the results of such activity, when you condone or allow or refuse to stop such activity and receive illegal illicit results from such activity, YOU MAY NOT say that you are not one less you also be called one and be called a liar.
So if you are going to employ or condone such activities and benefit from the results of such activity then yes you are said definition. Be honest for if you do not you will be called out.
spy definition -
a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
So if you are going to employ or condone such activities and benefit from the results of such activity then yes you are said definition. Be honest for if you do not you will be called out.
spy definition -
a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Friday, April 8, 2016
If you want to be disrespectful about someone's race, gender, profession, or identity than obviously you wish people to disrespect you. And frankly I can't stand someone who doesn't respect a person and their God-given Human Rights to exist in peace and have what is generally taken for granted by other more privileged peoples. I don't care what you're religion is, frankly you could be a mass-crazed psychopath for all I know, I don't know you from a hole in the ground so when I tell you something, Respect That. If you do not I will treat you badly and don't complain to me later that I was unfair to you because you have crossed a line with me and once someone overreaches their boundaries they are fair game. Sometimes I can't figure out where the conspiracies start and where they end up, but I know one thing people who don't respect others don't deserve respect in return. Either BE RESPECTFUL or flounder on the shores of tribulation when the apocalypse rises up and people are looking to God for help he will not save those who disrespected their fellow human being.
If you want to be disrespectful about someone's race, gender, profession, or identity than obviously you wish people to disrespect you. And frankly I can't stand someone who doesn't respect a person and their God-given Human Rights to exist in peace and have what is generally taken for granted by other more privileged peoples. I don't care what you're religion is, frankly you could be a mass-crazed psychopath for all I know, I don't know you from a hole in the ground so when I tell you something, Respect That. If you do not I will treat you badly and don't complain to me later that I was unfair to you because you have crossed a line with me and once someone overreaches their boundaries they are fair game. Sometimes I can't figure out where the conspiracies start and where they end up, but I know one thing people who don't respect others don't deserve respect in return. Either BE RESPECTFUL or flounder on the shores of tribulation when the apocalypse rises up and people are looking to God for help he will not save those who disrespected their fellow human being.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Monday, March 14, 2016
Self-Deprecating Versus Self-Defecating
Bullshitting about self. Antonym to self-deprecation.
modest about or critical of oneself, especially humorously so.
Bullshitting about self. Antonym to self-deprecation.
modest about or critical of oneself, especially humorously so.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Draw Back the Veil
What's behind the curtain of reality? The inner workings of reality. This ship's headed to find out.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Whatever you think you know, you really have no idea at all
"Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. " -- J Edgar Hoover
"Yet the conspirator is deluded by a reality he does not have the ability to even comprehend and the consequence of his action so grand in scale it is beyond even God to know it's outcome."
--- Causality Eventuality of the Rotation of a Sun around the Illusion of Reality that no Corruption can ever Understand and therefore no Soul held to this life can ever Conquer or Destroy
"Yet the conspirator is deluded by a reality he does not have the ability to even comprehend and the consequence of his action so grand in scale it is beyond even God to know it's outcome."
--- Causality Eventuality of the Rotation of a Sun around the Illusion of Reality that no Corruption can ever Understand and therefore no Soul held to this life can ever Conquer or Destroy
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